Sunday, August 7, 2011

HEY HEY HEY! its moderately sized David!

Now, Im not vary good at this kind of thing, introducing myself and all, but I thought I would put in the effort, (just because Im that awesome). My names David, David O'Shea. I like black and white, and every color in between. I live in Butt fuck no where,  and hate it. (I long for culture) I wanted to start this blog thing because i have waaaay to much time on my hands, and i like my style and would like to share it with whoever is so kind to read this far in my messy unorganized 'paragraph'. But yeah, I know i sort of sound like a pom-pas shit head the way i write, but i assure you that Im actually REALLY COOL AND AWESOME....haha. sigh.  but yes, moving on. My blog is probably gonna be a mixture of things, as it is about mmmme. so expect to see lots of cool and shiny things to come your way my friends. (finger guns and clicking sound) lots and lots of finger guns.

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